Privacy policy


BUNIQ is attentive to the Privacy aspects of all visitors to the website in order to ensure their security both during simple navigation and when providing their personal data to make use of specific services or functionalities. Through this page, BUNIQ provides guidance on the processing of personal data collected through the website in compliance with European Regulation No. 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter “GDPR”). The website may contain links to the web pages of other entities that operate independently and to which this information does not extend.

General Guidelines

In compliance with the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR, concerning the protection of personal data, BUNIQ informs users that the personal data provided by them and acquired during navigation on the website are processed, also with the aid of electronic tools, directly by BUNIQ S.r.l. and/or through third parties, for the purposes outlined below, along with the relevant legal basis and duration of the processing:

Tabella riassuntiva delle linee guida del GDPR riguardanti la protezione dei dati personali e il trattamento di tali dati da parte di Buniq S.r.l. e/o terzi.

Data Controller

The Data Controller of the collected data is BUNIQ S.r.l, Via Leonardo Sciacca SNC – Messina (ME), email and PEC

Data Protection Officer

In accordance with art. 37 of the GDPR, BUNIQ has appointed Mr. Daniele Nobile as the Data Protection Officer. The contact for the Data Protection Officer is

Location of processing

The Data is processed at the Data Controller’s operational headquarters and at any other location where the parties involved in the processing are located. For further information, contact the Data Controller. Data provided directly by the data subject will be collected and processed exclusively at BUNIQ’s premises.
Data collected automatically may be transferred to a country other than the one where the User is located. For further information on the location of processing, the User can refer to the specific Cookie Policy following this section or can be obtained by contacting the Data Controller.
Data collected for the purposes outlined in point 2 (direct marketing) are processed through dedicated platforms that involve the transfer of data to non-EU countries. In such cases, BUNIQ ensures that the processing of Personal Data by these parties to which the data is transferred complies with European Regulation 679/2016, always in accordance with the principles set out in art. 45 of GDPR 2016/679 regarding the existence of an adequacy decision by the European Commission, or by adopting Standard Contractual Clauses in accordance with the decisions of the European Commission, or in the absence of such decisions, in compliance with art. 46 concerning transfers subject to adequate safeguards, or in compliance with art. 49 (1) (b) – transfer necessary for the performance of a contract between the User and the Data Controller or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures.

Appointments and designations

BUNIQ has made appointments and designations of the parties, including external ones, involved in the processing of the data subject’s personal data as provided by the GDPR.

Data Communication

Data collected through this website may be communicated to BUNIQ’s internal functions competent to process the received requests.
In addition to the personnel entrusted with processing, they may also be communicated to the following third parties, if necessary to fulfill the data subject’s request, and the scope thereof is strictly necessary for the execution of the assignment conferred on such third parties:
1. consultants and companies assisting the company from an IT and infrastructure perspective
2. suppliers, agents, technical partners, and operators in the field of telecommunications
3. business partners

Nature of data provision

The provision of data for the purposes of providing technical support, information on the Partnership program, participating in training courses, and completing the contract proposal is necessary to fulfill, respectively, the contract and the requests made. Failure to provide the indicated data makes it impossible to provide what is requested.
The provision of data for direct marketing purposes is optional, and the data is used with explicit consent. Failure to communicate the data does not allow the receipt of commercial communications from BUNIQ. The data subject has the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Rights of data subjects

At any time, it is possible to exercise rights against the Data Controller, pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 15 and following of the GDPR; in particular, every data subject has the right to access personal data, rectify or erase them, or restrict the processing concerning them, or to object to their processing, in addition to the right to data portability.
To exercise these rights, you can write to the email address
The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority for the Protection of Personal Data.

Specific information for the use of cookies

The Cookie Policy page describes the types and purposes of cookies used.

(rev. January 2022)