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All content (text, graphics, and images) within this site and all BUNIQ products are protected by copyright. Permission to use documents from this site is granted on the condition that:
- the below copyright notice appears on all copies along with these permission terms;
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BUNIQ does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. Under no circumstances shall the company be liable for damages resulting from your reliance on the accuracy of such information. The documents on this site may contain inaccurate technical details and typographical errors. BUNIQ bears no responsibility for websites accessible via links on this site. With these pages, BUNIQ does not intend to violate any copyright. The information and images collected here are, to the best of our knowledge, in the public domain. If copyrighted material or material in violation of the law has been inadvertently published, please notify us and we will promptly remove it. The content of these pages is not intended to be offensive to any person or entity. If it is, please notify us, and we will address it as soon as possible. Product names, corporate names, and companies mentioned may be trademarks owned by their respective owners or registered trademarks of other companies and have been used purely for explanatory purposes and for the benefit of the owner, without any intention of violating existing copyright laws. BUNIQ S.r.l. reserves the right to modify the content of the entire website and this disclaimer at any time and without prior notice.
BUNIQ and/or other BUNIQ products mentioned here are registered trademarks ® or trademarks in the process of registration ™. Other products and companies mentioned here may be trademarks registered by their respective owners.
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Company Information
Tax Code – VAT No.: 03260470830
Share Capital fully paid: 17.857,15 €
Registration Number in the Messina Companies Register: 03260470830
REA Number: ME 224639
Registered Office: VIA LEONARDO SCIASCIA SNC – 98168 – MESSINA (ME)